Funny Film Review Podcasts Comedy Film Nerds
Mon, 7 March 2022 For those of you still subscribed to this feed, here's a bonus. Graham Elwood and Chris Mancini do a spoiler ep on The Batman. For old time's sake. Enjoy, and remember, it's a spoiler ep! To catch up with Chris and Graham: Direct download: CFN__The_Batman__Spoiler_ep_CFN_Feed.mp3 |
Mon, 21 September 2020 Hey Friends, all of Chris Mancini's new podcasts are up and running under the new company banner White Cat Entertainment. Please like and subscribe. Direct download: podcasttransition.mp3 |
Thu, 10 September 2020 OK, because YOU asked for it. The show is now free and out in the open with 5 bonus eps for Patreon members and counting. Mike Schmidt joins Chris for a chat about Class Action Park, Bill and Ted: Face the Music, Unsolved Mysteries, Mad Max: Fury Road, and so much more. NEW FEED: Direct download: WAYW_Ep_6_Final_Mix.mp3 |
Thu, 25 June 2020 Listen to the FIRST Episode of "What Are You Watching?" with Chris Mancini and Neil T. Weakley. We cover movies, TV shows, and anything we or our guests are watching. Future Episodes will be at Direct download: WAYWEp106252020.mp3 |
Mon, 18 May 2020 Chris Mancini and Neil T. Weakley record a special episode to discuss stay at home viewing along with Chris' Kickstarter relaunch RISE OF THE KUNG FU DRAGON MASTER running until May 31. Direct download: Neilpodcastkickstarter.mp3 |
Wed, 25 December 2019 One last present under your tree! Thank you for 10 years. It has been so fun to share our lives with you. Direct download: CFN_121019_Xmas_Thank_You.mp3 |
Sun, 15 December 2019 PART 2 OF 2 : After 10 years, hundreds of guests talking about thousands of movies we had a great night to celebrate doing CFN! We thank everyone who has ever helped with CFN, the podcast, Ear Buds, LA Podfest and the Comedy Film Nerds Guide to Movies. It was truly a honor and gift getting to do all this cool stuff with all these wonderful people. THANK YOU! - Chris and Graham Direct download: CFN_Ep_600_Pt_2.mp3 |
Sun, 15 December 2019 After 10 years, hundreds of guests talking about thousands of movies we had a great night to celebrate doing CFN! We thank everyone who has ever helped with CFN, the podcast, Ear Buds, LA Podfest and the Comedy Film Nerds Guide to Movies. It was truly a honor and gift getting to do all this cool stuff with all these wonderful people. THANK YOU! - Chris and Graham Direct download: CFN_Ep_600_Pt_1.mp3 |
Tue, 10 December 2019 FILMS DISCUSSED: DARK WATERS, THE IRSIHMAN, WONDER WOMAN 1984, GHOSTBUSTERS: AFTERLIFE* Chris and Graham welcome Neil T. Weakley back for the final show in the ATC studio. All three liked The Irishman even though it was long. Graham liked Dark Waters. Wonder Woman trailer looks cool. Everyone is on the fence about the Ghostbusters trailer. Thank you everyone at ATC for the last five years of having us on! Direct download: CFN_121019_Neil_T_Weakley.output.mp3 |
Tue, 3 December 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: KNIVES OUT, JUDY, FORD V FERARRI, BRITTANY RUNS A MARATHON, ANTEBELLUM, BLACK WIDOW* Chris and Graham welcome back Stefanie Wilder-Taylor. Chris liked Knives Out. Stefanie liked the acting in Judy. Graham had fun with Ford v Ferarri. Stefanie was left flat after Brittany Runs A Marathon. The second to last studio episode. Direct download: CFN_120319_Stefanie_Wilder-Taylor.output.mp3 |
Tue, 26 November 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: FROZEN 2, ONE CUT OF THE DEAD, LONG SHOT, FANTASY ISLAND, BANANA SPLITS* Chris and Graham welcome back Matt Weinhold. Chris was let down by Frozen 2. Matt loves the indie film, One Cut Of The Dead. Graham had fun watching Long Shot on a plane. Two really bad trailers and a lot of love! Direct download: CFN_112619_Matt_Weinhold.output.mp3 |
Thu, 21 November 2019 A simultaneous release with Action Film Autopsy, this is a Dual Feed Power Fist Blast! An extra bonus ep with Ric Meyers, Kung Fu Expert and host of Action Film Autopsy. Chris and Ric discuss Best (and Worst) Action Films of 2019, Kung Fu philosophy, martial arts, and being a perfect ass. Direct download: CFN_111919_Ric_Meyers.output.mp3 |
Tue, 19 November 2019 Graham is still in jolly old Australia so Chris welcomes comic book superhero Mark Waid into the CFN Sanctum Sanctorum. They review Parasite and The Good Liar, discuss making comics and movies, and talk more in detail about Chris' new graphic novel kickstarter Rise of the Kung Fu Dragon Master. There's also a little Disney+ talk. Baby Yoda wants you to listen. Direct download: CFN_111919_Mark_Waid.output.mp3 |
Wed, 13 November 2019 The Mandalorian drops on Disney+, Graham is in Australia so Chris is joined by an Australian comedian/podcaster Steele Saunders to talk everything Star Wars. Also discussed: Midway, and Chris' Kickstarter Rise of the Kung Fu Dragon Master. Make a pledge and a comment before Dec 10 and Chris will read them on the air! Direct download: CFN_Ep_Steele_Saunders111319.mp3 |
Mon, 11 November 2019 Chris and Graham welcome Chris Gore from Film threat magazine to talk about the upcoming fall and winter films. Which ones will get Oscar nominations? Listen and find out you sonsabitches. Direct download: CFN_110519_Chris_Gore.output.mp3 |
Tue, 5 November 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: TERMINATOR DARK FATE, LAST DAYS OF PHIL HARTMAN, ALWAYS BE MY MAYBE, THE BANKER, 21 BRIDGES* Chris and Graham welcome back Brian Redban to talk films. Graham and Chris were let down by Terninator and Brian couldn't see it because the theater's copy was broken. Brian liked the Phil Hartman doc. The Banker trailer is intriguing. 21 Bridges looks good for a plane. Han Shot First, now and forever. Direct download: CFN_110519_Brian_Redban.output.mp3 |
Tue, 29 October 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: JOJO RABBIT, DOLEMITE IS MY NAME, TRAIN TO BUSAN, MOTHERLESS BROOKLYN, THE KING* Chris and Graham welcome back Marc Guggenheim to talk about the DC crossover on CW and more! Marc wasn't as pumped for Joker as the guys. Chris felt JoJo Rabbit was a little scattered. Graham loved Dolemite. Motherless Brooklyn looks good and not sure what to make of The King. This episode will live past the end of times. Direct download: CFN_102919_Marc_Guggenheim.output.mp3 |
Tue, 22 October 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: PARASITE, ZOMBIELAND 2, RISE OF SKYWALKER, BLOODSHOT, BLACK AND BLUE, COUNTDOWN* Chris and Graham welcome back Jon Reep. Jon talks about taking his mom to Joker and living at home. Jon and Graham split on Zombieland 2. Chris liked Parasite even though the marketing threw him. New Star Wars trailer looks perfect. Vin Dielsel's new film looks surprisingly good. An episode for all! Direct download: CFN_102219_Jon_Reep.output.mp3 |
Tue, 15 October 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: EL CAMINO, AD ASTRA, IN THE SHADOW OF THE MOON, THE REVOLUTION TELEVISED, JUNGLE CRUISE, THE KING'S MAN* Chris and Graham welcome doc director, Kevin Ronca. Kevin talks about his doc about the 2016 Democratic primary, The Revolution Televised. Graham and Kevin liked El Camino: A breaking Bad Film. Chris was let down by Ad Astra. Graham had fun watching In The Shadow Of The Moon. Jungle Cruise and The King's Man trailers look very avoidable. This episode will not be televised. Direct download: CFN_101519_Kevin_Ronca.output.mp3 |
Tue, 8 October 2019 *SPOILER ALERT! KEY ELEMENTS OF FILM DISCUSSED INCLUDING ENDING* Cecily Knobler is here to discuss the brilliance of Joker with Chris and Graham. Direct download: CFN_100819_Joker_Spoiler.output.mp3 |
Tue, 8 October 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: IN THE TALL GRASS, JOKER, BIRDS OF PREY, 6 UNDERGROUND* Chris and Graham welcome first time guest, Anastasia Vigo. Anastasia talks about the Dunktown podcast and how In The Tall Grass was a good home viewing. Graham and Chris liked Joker. Birds of Prey trailer could go either way. 6 Underground is most things that are wrong with Hollywood. This episode is like a garbage strike in Gotham. Direct download: CFN_100819_Anastasia_Vigo.output.mp3 |
Tue, 1 October 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: EXTREMELY WICKED, SHOCKINGLY EVIL AND VILE, ARCTIC, SHRIEKFEST FILMS, THE IRISHMAN, WOUNDS* David Huntsberger is back to talk films with Chris and Graham. Graham liked the Ted Bundy film Extremely Wicked. David was excited at seeing Arctic. Chris breaks down some cool films he saw at Shriekfest. The Irishman trailer looks great. Wounds trailer is for horror fans. This episode is like being stuck in Iceland. Direct download: CFN_100119_David_Huntsberger.output.mp3 |
Tue, 24 September 2019 Chris and Graham talk about the major films that came out in the summer of 2019. #nauticalprotocols Direct download: CFN_081319_Summer_Movie_Wrap_Up.output.mp3 |
Tue, 17 September 2019 *FILMS DUSCUSSED: THE GOLDFINCH, FAHRENHEIT 451, ANGEL HAS FALLEN, BASKETBALL OR NOTHING, MIDWAY, LIKE A BOSS* Micah Wright is here to talk films, FNX Comedy series on Amazon Prime and more! Chris found Goldfinch to be a mess. Micah liked Angel Has Fallen and Dodger Dogs. Farhenheit 451 was a letdown according to Chris. Graham liked the Netflix doc series Basketball Or Nothing. Midway and Like A Boss trailers could go either way. And the biggest weekend of counter programming in a while! This ep will make you take your sunglasses off. Direct download: CFN_091719_Micah_Wright.output.mp3 |
Thu, 12 September 2019 Chris and Graham talk to Denise Gossett about the 19th Shriekfest Horror Film Festival this September 26-29 in Hollywood, CA! Direct download: CFN_091019_Shreikfest.output.mp3 |
Tue, 10 September 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: IT CHAPTER 2, THE WANDERING EARTH, THE FRONT RUNNER, THE BEST OF ENEMIES, JOKER, DR. SLEEP* Chris and Graham welcome Rick Overton to the ATC studio. Rick liked Wandering Earth, Chris was massivily dissapointed in It 2. Graham liked Front Runner and Best of Enemies more than he thought he would. New Joker trailer looks good. Dr Sleep looks the oposite of good. This ep will give you a double thigh strian. Direct download: CFN_091019_Rick_Overton.output.mp3 |
Tue, 3 September 2019 Graham and Chris announce the end of Comedy Film Nerds. After 10 years the 600th and final episode will be on December 12, 2019. Thank you everyone for a wonderful decade of talking and making movies. Direct download: CFN_082719_Bonus_Ep.output.mp3 |
Tue, 27 August 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: A VIGILANTE, BLINDED BY THE LIGHT, KNOCK DOWN THE HOUSE, UNDERWATER, LADY AND THE TRAMP* Chris and Graham welcome first-time guest Stef Zamorano. Chris wanted more from A Vigilante. Stef loved Knock Down The House. Graham fell in love with Blinded By The Light. Underwater trailer looks silly. Lady And The Tramp is only for Disney streaming. An episoded that is a death trap, a suicide rap we gotta get out while were young. Direct download: CFN_082719_Stef_Zamorano.output.mp3 |
Tue, 20 August 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: NIGHT MOVES, THE RED SEA DIVING RESORT, HOBBS AND SHAW, JURASSIC PARK LIVE, LAST CHRISTMAS, PARASITE* Chris and Graham welcome first time guest Jake Johanssen. Graham liked most of Night Moves. Jake and his wife had fun at Hobbs and Shaw. Chris was disappointed by The Red Sea Diving Resort. Last Christmas trailer is good but tells us too much. Parasite is another cool film from South Korea. An episode you can eat during. Direct download: CFN_082019_Jake_Johannsen.output.mp3 |
Tue, 13 August 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: THE FAREWELL, SCARY STORIES TO TELL IN THE DARK, GOOD BOYS, THE ADDAMS FAMILY* Chris and Graham welcome back Mark Ellis. Graham hopes The Farewell gets some Oscar love. Chris was not expecting Scary Stories to be so scary. Mark likes good Boys. Everyone is on the fence about Addams Family animated film. Direct download: CFN_081319_Mark_Ellis.output.mp3 |
Tue, 6 August 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: HOBBS AND SHAW, STOP AT NOTHING, THE LIGHTHOUSE, 1917* Chris, Graham and Aaron talk about the Fast and Furious films and more! This episode is all about family! Direct download: CFN_080619.output.mp3 |
Mon, 29 July 2019 *SPOILER ALERT! KEY ELEMENTS OF FILM WILL BE DISCUSSED INCLUDING ENDING* Graham and Chris welcome back Mike Schmidt to talk all things Quentin and Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. Direct download: CFN_072919_Once_Upon_A_Time_In_Hollywood_Spoiler.output.mp3 |
Mon, 29 July 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, Midsomer, and more* Mike Schmidt is here to talk Quentin films and more! Direct download: CFN_072919_Mike_Schmidt.output.mp3 |
Tue, 23 July 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: THE LION KING, THE ART OF SELF DEFENSE, DAVID CROSBY: REMEMBER MY NAME, TOP GUN: MAVERICK, CATS* Chris and Graham welcome first-time guest, Adam Ferrara. Chris found the Lion King to be a "useless money grab." Graham loved The Art Of Self Defense. Adam was disappointed with the David Crosby doc. All in for Top Gun: Maverick. Chris is the only one who doesn't see the appeal of Cats. Wide range of DVD's and then new Quentin film this weekend! This ep is like buying a boat from Peter Tork. Direct download: CFN_072319_Adam_Ferrara.output.mp3 |
Wed, 17 July 2019 SURPRISE! Ric Meyers is here to give you a San Diego Comic-Con preview! Direct download: CFN_071619_Ric_Meyers.output.mp3 |
Tue, 16 July 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: SPIDER-MAN FAR FROM HOME, WILD ROSE, YESTERDAY, STAND AND OLLIE* Chris and Graham welcome first-time guest Joe Matarese. Graham and Chris liked Spider-Man. Joe enjoyed Wild Rose. Graham loved Yesterday. Chris thought Stan and Ollie missed an opportunity. Direct download: CFN_071619_Joe_Matarese.output.mp3 |
Tue, 2 July 2019 *SPOILER ALERT!! KEY ELEMENTS WILL BE DISCUSSED INCLUDING ENDING* Steve Simeone is here to talk all things Toy Story. Direct download: CFN_062519_Toy_Story_Spoiler.output.mp3 |
Tue, 25 June 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: TOY STORY 4, ACTION POINT, LATE NIGHT, I AM MOTHER, DOCTOR SLEEP, TROLLS WORLD TOUR* Steele Saunders is back! Chris and Steele liked Toy Story 4. Steele enjoyed watching how bad Action Point was. Graham liked Late Night. Chris thought I Am Mother was good for a Netflix film. Trolls World Tour looks like only 5-year-olds will like it. Doctor Sleep is a mystery. Direct download: CFN_062519_Steele_Saunders.output.mp3 |
Tue, 18 June 2019 *SPOILER ALERT! KEY ELEMENTS OF FILM WILL BE DISCUSSED INCLUDING ENDING* Neil is here to talk about why he loved this film. #skullislandscones Direct download: Spoiler_Ep_96_-_Godzilla-_King_Of_The_Monsters_-_Neil_T._Weakley.mp3 |
Mon, 10 June 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: DARK PHOENIX, LATE NIGHT, FORD V FERRARI, AD ASTRA* Graham and Chris welcome first-time guest Cole Stratton. All three liked Dark Phoenix. Cole enjoyed Late Night. Ford V Ferrari looks interesting. Ad Astra left the panel confused. Thank you for listening. Direct download: CFN_061019_Cole_Stratton.output.mp3 |
Wed, 5 June 2019 *SPOILER ALERT!! KEY ELEMENTS OF FILM WILL BE DISCUSSED INCLUDING ENDING* Ron Placone is here to talk about why Rocket Man was a good musical. Direct download: CFN_060419_Rocketman_Spoiler.output.mp3 |
Tue, 4 June 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: ROCKET MAN, GODZILLA, RAMBO: LAST BLOOD, THE KITCHEN* Chris and Graham welcome back Chris Gore from Film Threat. All three guys liked Rocket Man. Godzilla: King Of The Monsters was all the popcorn fun they thought. Rambo trailer looks silly but a good time. The Kitchen trailer makes gun loving look easy. An episode is the Toho of podcasts. Direct download: CFN_060419_Chris_Gore.output.mp3 |
Wed, 29 May 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: BRIGHTBURN, BOOKSMART, RIM OF THE WORLD, PUMP, TERMINATOR DARK FATE, ANNABELLE COMES HOME* Dan Van Kirk is back to talk films with two old nerds. Dan and Chris were let down by Brightburn. Graham had fun watching Booksmart. Rim of the World gave Chris a premise hangover. Graham liked the doc Pump, even with some disclaimers. This episode is better than seeing Graveyard Abortion live! Direct download: CFN_Ep_469.mp3 |
Tue, 21 May 2019 *Films discussed: John Wick 3, Rocket Man, See You Yesterday, Angel Has Fallen, Maleficent* Tom Merritt is back! Chris liked John Wick 3 but found it got a little old. Tom had fun with Rocket Man. Graham was happy with See You Yesterday. Angel Has Fallen looks ridiculous as does Maleficent 2. This episode was rescued by a time traveler. Direct download: CFN_052119_Tom_Merritt.output.mp3 |
Tue, 14 May 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: TOLKIEN, UGLY DOLLS, LET THEM PLAY, POKEMON DETECTIVE PIKACHU, THE HUSTLE, IT CHAPTER 2* Chris and Graham welcome first-time guest Leslie Wolf. Chris was not happy with Tolkien. Leslie and her daughter loved Ugly Dolls. Graham wants everyone to see the baseball doc Let Them Play. Chris was surprised at how he liked Pokemon. Trailer for It 2 is creepy! Direct download: CFN_051419_Lesley_Wolff.output.mp3 |
Tue, 7 May 2019 This episode does contain Avengers: Endgame Spoilers. *Films Discussed: Knock Down the House, Unicorn Store, Avengers End Game, Spiderman* Chris and Graham welcome Jackie Kashian to talk Marvel and more! Chris and Graham both like Knock Down the House. Chris didn't like Unicorn Store as much as Graham. Jackie gives her take on End Game and the MCU. Good Spiderman trailer! Direct download: CFN_050719_Jackie_Kashian.output.mp3 |
Wed, 1 May 2019 *SPOILER ALERT! KEY ELEMENTS OF FILM WILL BE DISCUSSED, INCLUDING ENDING* Kevin Avery joins Chris and Graham to talk about how great Endgame was! Direct download: CFN_043019_Endgame_Spoiler.output.mp3 |
Tue, 30 April 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: AVENGERS ENDGAME, DEVIL AT THE CROSSROADS, GAME OF THRONES, BRIGHTBURN, GEMINI MAN* Chris, Graham, and Aaron talk about Endgame. They all liked it and want to see it again. Graham liked the Robert Johnson doc, Devil At The Crossroads. Chris and Aaron liked the latest GOT ep even though it was darkly lit. The Brightburn trailer looks cool. Unlike Gemini Man. Travel through time and get this episode along with some infinity stones. Direct download: CFN_043019.output.mp3 |
Wed, 24 April 2019 *SPOILER ALERT! KEY ELEMENTS OF BOTH FILMS WITH BE DISCUSSED, INCLUDING ENDING* Graham and Chris talk about US and Shazam. Direct download: CFN_042318_Us_and_Shazam.output.mp3 |
Tue, 23 April 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: QUEEN OF THE DESERT, HIGH LIFE, HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 3, HOBBS AND SHAW, CHILD'S PLAY* Chris and Graham welcome first-time guests, Ethan Edenburg and Direct download: CFN_042319_Ethan_Edenburg_and_Eric_Jackowitz.output.mp3 |
Tue, 16 April 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: SHAZAM, HELLBOY, UNICORN STORE, STARSHIP TROOPERS TRAITOR OF MARS, RISE OF SKYWALKER, THE PROFESSOR* Chris and Graham welcome back Mike Siegel. Mike talks about the travel tales podcast and why Hellboy was all over the place. Chris liked Shazam. Graham had fun with Unicorn Store. New Star Wars trailer looks good. Unlike The Professor. #teakarma Direct download: CFN_041619_Mike_Siegel.output.mp3 |
Tue, 9 April 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: SHAZAM, PET SEMETARY, BLACKWAY, JOKER, MY SPY* Chris, and Graham welcome Kim Iversen into the ATC studio. Kim and Graham both liked Shazam. Kim and Chris both disliked Pet Semetary. Graham found Blackway to be ridiculous. All three are not sure about Joker trailer. My Spy Trailer looks silly. An episode that is more dangerous than Blackway! Direct download: CFN_040919_Kim_Iverson.output.mp3 |
Tue, 2 April 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: DUMBO, THE HIGHWAYMEN, THE WIND, THE BEACH BUM, DEADWOOD* Graham and Chris welcome filmmaker Emma Tammi. Chris was disappointed with Dumbo. Graham liked The Highwaymen. Emma talks about directing the Wind. Emma and Graham are excited for The Beach Bum while Chris is not! Better than prairie demons! Direct download: CFN_040219_Emma_Tammi.output.mp3 |
Wed, 27 March 2019 *SPOILER ALERT! KEY ELEMENTS OF FILM WILL BE DISCUSSED, INCLUDING ENDING* The one and only Jackie Kashian is here to talk all things Marvel! Direct download: Spoiler_Ep_92_Captain_Marvel.mp3 |
Tue, 26 March 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: US, THE MIAMI SHOWBAND MASSACRE, AQUAMAN, STAN AND OLLIE, SECOND ACT* Chris and Graham welcome Rick Overton back into the NERD GARAGE! All three liked US. Miami Showband Massacre is a good doc according to Graham. Sean Connery gives some advice. VOD/DVD is a wide range of sorcery. This ep is when you know you love vaudeville. Direct download: CFN_Ep_460_-_US_with_Rick_Overton.output.mp3 |
Tue, 19 March 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: CAPTAIN MARVEL, CAPTIVE STATE, TRIPLE FRONTIER, AVENGERS ENDGAME, FROZEN 2* Graham and Chris welcome first-time guests, Heather Dowling, and Michelle Barton. They talk about their crowd-funding project "Down The Middle." Everyone was let down by Captain Marvel. Michelle and Heather did not like Captive State. Chris was miffed at Tripple Frontier. New Avengers and Frozen Trailers look good! This episode in the mung fruit of podcasts! Direct download: CFN_031919.output.mp3 |
Tue, 12 March 2019 Laura House is here to talk about the upcoming 2019 Summer Movies! Direct download: CFN_030519_Laura_House.output.mp3 |
Tue, 5 March 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: FIGHTING WITH MY FAMILY, CAPTAIN MARVEL, PADDLETON, THE KING, GRETA, HELLBOY, ROCKETMAN* Chris and Graham welcome April Wolfe from Max Fun. Graham liked Fighting With My Family. April Enjoyed Captain Marvel. Chris was surprised by Paddleton. Graham found The King to be a very interesting Elvis Doc. April thought Greta was just ok. Some good films coming up on demand and in theaters. Join us! Direct download: CFN_030519_April_Wolfe.output.mp3 |
Tue, 26 February 2019 Oscar Wrap-up with Murray Valeriano. Murray was there with his Oscar-nominated wife, Mary Zophres. So he's got the skinny. Graham asks why Chris was drunk on Mary Poppins and more! Direct download: CFN_022619_Murray_Valeriano.output.mp3 |
Tue, 19 February 2019 2019 Oscar Preview with Doug Benson! Chris, Graham, and Doug all give their picks. Get your Oscar Pool ready! Direct download: CFN_021919_Oscar_Preview.output.mp3 |
Thu, 14 February 2019 *SPOILER ALERT! KEY ELEMENTS OF FILM WILL BE DISCUSSED INCLUDiNG ENDING* Mike Schmidt is here to talk about all the problems with this film. #SnowPlowJones Direct download: CFN_021219_Cold_Pursuit_Spoiler.output.mp3 |
Tue, 12 February 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: COLD PURSUIT, TWO KILLINGS OF SAM COOKE, GREEN BOOK, VICE, ALADDIN, PET SEMETARY* Graham and Chris welcome Jay Kogen onto the show. Chris and Graham thought Cold Pursuit went off the rails. Graham liked Sam Cooke more after watching the doc. Chris and Jay were both disappointed in Green Book and Vice. An episode full of frumphering. Direct download: CFN_021219_Jay_Kogen.output.mp3 |
Tue, 5 February 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: BLAKKKLANSMAN, CAN YOU EVER FORGIVE ME, POLAR, IF BEALE STREET COULD TALK, THEY SHALL NOT GROW OLD, TOY STORY 4, AVENGERS: ENDGAME* Chris and Graham welcome Ricky Carmona from the Who Shot Ya? Podcast. Chris liked Blackkklansman. Graham thinks Can You Ever Forgive Me is Oscar worthy. Chris hated Polar. Ricky liked If Beale Street Could Talk but felt it was a little long. Graham wants everyone to see They Shall Not Grow Old. Good Superbowl Trailers! Ramping up to the Oscars! Direct download: CFN_020519_Ricky_Carmona.output.mp3 |
Tue, 29 January 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: GLASS, SPLIT, THE FAVOURITE, the MID 90'S, ICARUS, EXTREMELY WICKED, AMONG THE SHADOWS* Chris and Graham welcome Justin Wood to the show. Graham liked Glass and Split. Chris didn't get the hype of The Favourite. Justin liked Mid 90's. Graham was amazed at Icarus. Direct download: CFN_012919.output.mp3 |
Tue, 22 January 2019 The 2019 Oscar nominations are here! Chris and Graham talk about what movies were snubbed. Join in on the message boards! Direct download: CFN_012219_Oscar_Noms.output.mp3 |
Tue, 22 January 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: VICE, MARY POPPINS RETURNS, BEAUTIFUL BOY, EIGHTH GRADE, JOHN WICK 3, MISS BALA* Chris and Graham talk about flying to Japan for Tea and suicide. Graham liked Vice but it's not Best Picture. Chris and family enjoyed Mary Poppins. Graham found Beautiful Boy to be a wonderful film. Chris and his 13-year-old child liked Eighth Grade. John Wick is back to settle some scores as is Miss Bala. #skypecago Direct download: CFN_012219.output.mp3 |
Thu, 17 January 2019 *SPOILER ALERT! KEY ELEMENTS OF FILMS ARE DISCUSSED INCLUDING ENDING* Chris, Graham and Aaron discuss Birdbox and Roma. (Please see Roma on the big screen) Direct download: CFN_011519_Bird_Box_Roma_Spoiler.output.mp3 |
Tue, 15 January 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: DESTROYER, YOU WERE NEVER REALLY HERE, SERENITY, SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME* Chris, Graham and Aaron are here in the rain at ATC. Graham thought Destroyer missed the mark. Chris and Graham split over You Were Never Really Here. Nobody thinks Serenity looks good. New Spider-Man trailer is amazing. Only one good DVD but Glass is in theaters this week! Direct download: CFN_450_Destroyer.mp3 |
Thu, 10 January 2019 Graham Elwood interviews Chris Mancini about his scripted drama/horror podcast "Conversations From The Abyss" Direct download: The_Interview.mp3 |
Tue, 8 January 2019 *FILMS DISCUSSED: AQUAMAN, BIRDBOX, ROMA, WHAT MEN WANT, US* Graham and Chris welcome Freddie Wong and Matt Arnold from The Storybreak podcast. Chris had fun at Aquaman. Graham was the only one who liked Birdbox. Everyone agrees that Roma is one of the best pictures of the year. An episode that is like a dog in the next room. Direct download: CFN_010819.output.mp3 |
Tue, 1 January 2019 Chris, Graham, and Aaron talk about some of the big films that are coming out in 2019. Direct download: CFN_121118_2019_Preview.output.mp3 |
Tue, 25 December 2018 Chris and Graham want to thank everyone that makes CFN possible! Without all the help and support from fans, podcasts, advertisers, and all we couldn't do it! So thank you for a wonderful 2018! See you in 2019. Direct download: CFN_120418_Year_Ender.mp3 |
Thu, 20 December 2018 *SPOILER ALERT! KEY ELEMENTS OF FILM WILL BE DISCUSSED, INCLUDING ENDING* Ron Placone joins Chris and Graham to talk about the new Spider-Man animated film. Direct download: CFN_121818_Spiderverse_Spoiler.output.mp3 |
Tue, 18 December 2018 *FILMS DISCUSSED: SPIDER-MAN INTO THE SPIDERVERSE, WHO KILLED JAM MASTER JAY?, THE CHRISTMAS CHRONICLES, ROMA, THEY SHALL NOT GROW OLD* Marc Guggenheim is back to talk Spider-Man, TV shows and more! Chris liked Into The Spiderverse, as did Graham until it gave him a headache. Who Killed Jam Master J is a good Netflix doc. Chris was surprised that he liked Christmas Chronicles. Roma and They Shall Not Be Forgotten look good! Direct download: CFn_121818_Marc_Guggenheim.output.mp3 |
Tue, 11 December 2018 *FILMS DISCUSSED: WIDOWS, BUMBLEBEE, CHASING TRANE, AVENGERS: ENDGAME, COLD PURSUIT* Chris and Graham welcome back Sam Tripoli to talk films. Graham liked Widows. Chris was Surprised at liking Bumblebee. The John Coltrane doc was good and Sam talks about how good the Netflix docs are. Avengers trailer looks fantastic! And Cold Pursuit is an Icy taken. Direct download: CFN_121118_Sam_Tripoli.output.mp3 |
Tue, 4 December 2018 *FILMS DISCUSSED, CREED II, THE DISCOVERY, POKEMON DETECTIVE PIKACHU, CAPTAIN MARVEL* Chris and Graham are here talking Rocky films and more. Chris really liked Creed II, and they discussed all the Rocky films. Graham was amazed at Netflix film, The Discovery. Pokemon trailer actually looks good. the second. Captain Marvel trailer makes it even better. Slow week for DVD and VOD. Oscar films are starting to pop up to get to the theaters! Direct download: CFN_120418.output.mp3 |
Tue, 27 November 2018 *FILMS DISCUSSED: RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET, INSTANT FAMILY, GREEN BOOK, THE BALLAD OF BUSTER SCRUGGS, GEORGE HARRISON: LIVING IN THE MATERIAL WORLD, ONCE UPON A DEADPOOL, THE LION KING* Stefanie Wilder-Taylor joins Chris and Graham in the ATC HQ. Chris thought Ralph was all over the place. Stefanie was pleasantly surprised by Instant Family. Graham thinks Green Book is Oscar worthy. Chris was let down by Buster Scruggs. George Harrison doc was great in Graham's eyes. Deadpool PG-13 trailer is hilarious. New Lion King looks promising. This episode is #notmytorture Direct download: CFN_112718_Stephanie_Wilder_Taylor.output.mp3 |
Tue, 20 November 2018 *SPOILER ALERT!! KEY ELEMENTS OF FILM ARE DISCUSSED, INCLUDING ENDING* Chris and Graham discuss the fine points of Overlord. Direct download: CFN_111518_Overlord_Spoiler.output.mp3 |
Thu, 15 November 2018 *FILMS DISCUSSED: OVERLORD, MID90S, BOY ERASED, TRICKY DICK AND THE MAN IN BLACK, ANNA AND THE APOCALYPSE, STAN AND OLLIE* Chris and Graham welcome back, Henry Phillips. Chris and Graham both liked Overlord. Henry was pleasantly surprised by Mid90s. Chris liked Nicole Kidman in Boy Erased. Graham found a good doc in Tricky Dick and The Man In Black. Anna and The Apocalypse look like fun! Stan and Ollie might get some Oscar gold. This episode will clear out your sinuses. Direct download: CFN_111518_Henry_Phillips.output.mp3 |
Thu, 8 November 2018 *SPOILER ALERT! KEY ELEMENTS OF FILM ARE DISCUSSED INCLUDING ENDING* Grant Lyon, from the film Killer Kate, goes deep about Bohemian Rhapsody with Chris, Graham and mega Queen fan, Aaron. Direct download: CFN_110618_Bohemian_Rhapsody_spoiler.output.mp3 |
Tue, 6 November 2018 *FILMS DISCUSSED: BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY, THE VISIT, A DARK SONG, MANDY, HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 3, ISN'T IT ROMANTIC?*. Graham and Chris welcome back Matt Weinhold to talk about horror movies and more. All three liked Bohemian Rhapsody but didn't love it. Chris and his daughter were disappointed by The Visit. Matt recommends A Dark Song and Mandy. How To Train Your Dragon 3 looks good. Not so sure about Isn't it Romantic? This episode is better than a satanic hippie cult in Topanga Canyon. Direct download: CFN_110618_Matt_Weinhold.output.mp3 |
Tue, 30 October 2018 *FILMS DISCUSSED: THE HATE U GIVE, THE OLD MAN AND THE GUN, THE NUTCRACKER AND THE FOUR REALMS, VOX LUX* Chris and Graham talk to Aaron about the ATC Comedy Fest. Graham liked The Hate U Give. Chris had fun with The Old Man And The Gun. Nutcracker looks ridiculous. Vox Lux could go either way. Enjoy with coffee. Direct download: CFN_103018.output.mp3 |
Thu, 25 October 2018 Chris and Graham are joined by Jason and Randy Sklar to discuss The Karate Kid, Lady Gaga: 5 Foot 2, Hold The Dark, The Haunting Of Hill House, we watch trailers for Destroyer and Escape Room. Be sure to wear your meat gi for this one! Direct download: CFN_102518.output.mp3 |
Tue, 16 October 2018 *FILMS DISCUSSED: FIRST MAN, KILLER WOMEN WITH PIERS MORGAN, PET SEMATARY, THE MULE* Chris found First Man to be a letdown. Graham likes the Netflix Doc Series Killer Women. Pet Sematary remake looks like could be better than original. The Mule has the first real Oscar talk of 2018. This ep needs to be put in a U-haul and driven to Phoenix by Aaron. Direct download: CFN_101618.output.mp3 |
Tue, 9 October 2018 *SPOILER ALERT! KEY ELEMENTS OF FILM ARE DISCUSSED INCLUDING ENDING* Chris and Graham discuss all the reasons Venom was not great. Direct download: CFN_100918_Venom_Spoiler.output.mp3 |
Tue, 9 October 2018 *FILMS DISCUSSED: VENOM, A STAR IS BORN, AQUAMAN, OVERKILL* Frank Woodward is back to talk films and horror script names. All three were disappointed with venom. Graham liked A Star Is Born. Chris saw some cool films at Shriekfest. Each new Auqamnan trailer makes it harder and harder to get excited. Chris wants Overkill to be great, Graham not so much. This episode is the final Wrong Turn of podcasts. Direct download: CFN_100918_Frank_Woodward.output.mp3 |
Tue, 2 October 2018 *FILMS DISCUSSED: SOMM, THE HOUSE WITH THE CLOCK IN ITS WALLS, QUINCY, RBG, X-MEN DARK PHOENIX, HOLMES AND WATSON* Graham and Chris welcome Patrick Ney. Patrick talks about being a comic and a wine sommelier that relates to the doc Somm. Chris found Clock in its Walls to be very uneven. Graham likes Quincy the doc about Quincy Jones. All three not convinced the new X-Men film is going to be any good. Holmes and Watson look like a train wreck. This episode has oaky after tones with a smooth finish. Direct download: CFN_100218_Patrick_Ney.output.mp3 |
Thu, 27 September 2018 BONUS EP!! Chris and Graham talk to Denise Gossett about the upcoming Shriekfest in LA and Orlando. She outlines some of the new films in the horror fest that has been going on for 18 years. Direct download: CFN_092518_Shriekfest.output.mp3 |
Tue, 25 September 2018 *FILMS DISCUSSED: OPERATION FINALE, SISTERS BROTHERS, WHITE BOY RICK, CAPTAIN MARVEL, BUMBLEBEE* Mike Bertalina from ATC is here! Chris was disappointed by Operation Finale. Mike was surprised by liking the Sisters Brothers. Graham liked White Boy Rick and couldn't understand the low Rotten Tomato's number. Captain Marvel trailer looks awesome. Mike and Chris are excited for Bumblebee while Graham is perplexed. A wide range of good-looking films in theaters this weekend. This episode will make you want to become a male stripper! Direct download: CFN_092518_Mike_Bertolina.output.mp3 |
Wed, 19 September 2018 *SPOILER ALERT! KEY ELEMENTS OF FILM DISCUSSED INCLUDING ENDING* Chris and Graham talk about all the things that are wrong with The Predator. Direct download: CFN_091818_Predator_Spoiler.output.mp3 |
Tue, 18 September 2018 *FILMS DISCUSSED: THE PREDATOR, DEATH WISH, ELVIS 68 COMEBACK SPECIAL, MARY POPPINGS RETURNS, WILDLIFE* First-time guest Darren Carter joins Chris and Graham in the ATC bunker. Chris and Graham were blown away at how bad Predator was. Darren had fun at the Bruce Willis remake of Death Wish. Darren and Graham talked about how much they liked the Elvis 68 Comeback Special. All three are going to see new Mary Poppins and Wildlife. #datamines Direct download: CFN_091818_Darren_Carter.output.mp3 |
Tue, 11 September 2018 Graham and Chris welcome Jackie Kashian and Simon Ore to discuss Peppermint, Clive Owen, and The Masters Of The Universe. Also discussed is the Comics' Comics Kickstarter from Starburns Press. Is this episode canonical or noncanonical? #hemancocktailparty #noncanonical Direct download: CFN_091118.output.mp3 |
Tue, 4 September 2018 *FILMS DISCUSSED: MISSION IMPOSSIBLE FALLOUT, SEARCHING, BAD TIMES AT THE EL ROYALE, THE FRONT RUNNER* Chris, and Graham are here talking films. Chris liked Mission Impossible a little. Graham liked the inventive storytelling of Searching. Bad Times At The El Royale trailer got a split from the guys. As did The Front Runner. This episode will make you taunt the media. Direct download: CFN_090418.output.mp3 |
Mon, 27 August 2018 *FILMS DISCUSSED: BLACK CAT, LIKE FATHER, FLAVORS OF YOUTH, BATMAN VS TWO-FACE, BATMAN AND HARLEY QUINN* Chris and Graham welcome the filmmaking team behind Black Cat, Grant Gary, and Peter Pardini. Graham was surprised by Like Father. Chris liked Flavors of Youth. Batman VS Two-Face is a 60's TV show throwback. Batman and Harley Quinn are good for the DC animated universe. Everyone liked The Old Man And The Gun trailer and Peppermint. Not much on VOD or in theaters. Direct download: CFN_082718.mp3 |
Tue, 21 August 2018 *FILMS DISCUSSED: MILE 22, IBIZA, BLACKKKLANSMAN, THE LAST SHARKNADO, WIDOW, DEADPOOL 2* Chris and Graham welcome back Shawn Pelofsky into the ATC dungeon. Shawn talks about Graham's gay candles. Chris was disappointed in Mile 22. Shawn found Ibiza to be ok. Graham liked Blackkklansman. The new Sharknado looks perfect. Widow is a Taken spin-off. A weird weekend of films is upon us #gaycandlesleepcabinet @catpushingawheelbarrow Direct download: CFN_082118_Shawn_Pelofsky.output.mp3 |
Thu, 16 August 2018 *SPOILER ALERT! KEY ELEMENTS OF FILM DISCUSSED INCLUDING ENDING* Chris, Graham and Ron Placone are here to discuss everything about The Meg! Direct download: CFN_081418_Meg_Spoiler.output.mp3 |
Tue, 14 August 2018 FILMS DISCUSSED: THE MEG, EXTINCTION, TEEN TITANS GO TO THE MOVIES, WONDER WHEEL, LIZZLE, VENOM* Ron Placone is here to talk films and more with Chris and Graham. Ron and Chris were more critical of The Meg than Graham. Chris was disappointed with Extinction. Graham loved Teen Titans. Chris had no idea why Wonder Wheel was made. Two trailers and then Mile 22 looks good. This episode will open up the shark super highway.#tortureshark Direct download: CFN_081418_Ron_Placone.output.mp3 |
Tue, 7 August 2018 *FILMS DISCUSSED: AQUAMAN, GODZILLA KING OF MONSTERS, GLASS, TITANS* Neil T Weakley is here to talk Comic-con and all the trailers that were released in San Diego! Direct download: CFN_Ep_428.mp3 |
Tue, 31 July 2018 *FILMS DISCUSSED: PARADOX, BUY BUST, IP MAN 4, MASTER Z, MERMAID 2 AND MORE!* Ric Meyers is here to bring Chris and Graham up to speed on all things in the Kung Fu/Martial Art film world! Direct download: CFN_071718_Ric_Meyers.output.mp3 |
Tue, 24 July 2018 *FILMS DISCUSSED: SORRY TO BOTHER YOU, HOW IT ENDS, LEAVE NO TRACE, DON'T WORRY HE WON'T GET FAR ON FOOT, THE DEATH OF STALIN, FANTASTIC BEASTS, CUT THROAT CITY* Chris and Graham welcome movie reviewer Leonard Maltin. Graham liked Sorry to Bother You more than Mr. Maltin. Chris was disappointed by How It Ends. Leonard thinks Leave No Trace is one of the best films of the year. Death of Stalin was funny for Mr. Maltin. Chris and Leonard are excited about Fantastic Beasts. All three are looking forward to Cut Throat City. Two good choices in theaters this weekend. RIP Jon Schnepp. Direct download: CFN_072418_Leonard_Maltin.output.mp3 |
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