How Do You Know if a Rental Property Is a Good Investment?

Rental properties are one of the best investments you can make, but only if yous know exactly what you're doing. This guide will take you through the process, step-by-stride.

Over years of learning virtually real estate investing, I've come up up with my own formula for buying rental properties that produce real cash flow. Here's what I've learned.

The post-obit is a true story but names have been changed in case the parties involved read this!

It's x o'clock in the morning and John has just gotten another telephone call from the belongings manager who's currently trying to fill a vacancy in his duplex. He's told that the existing tenant is breaking the charter because someone has broken in and stolen the tenant's tools—for the 2d fourth dimension in 12 months.

This property has been nothing but problems since John bought information technology a year ago. Here are just a few of the things that have gone on over the past twelvemonth:

  • John's been unable to secure a tenant for longer than vi months.
  • John had to replace two broken windows from vandalism while units were vacant.
  • John received three midnight telephone calls reporting gunshots.
  • In that location is a busted cleft house across the street.
  • The next-door neighbor (an elderly woman) was kidnapped from her front porch and is yet MIA.

You would remember that after dealing with these headaches, John would abandon real estate investing altogether.

Only that's non the case.

In fact, he's more passionate than e'er almost acquiring rental properties.


Well, for one, John'due south learned some very painful and of import lessons from the to a higher place nightmare. In fact, over the grade of the by twelvemonth, he's come up with a strict set of criteria that will ensure that many of these issues aren't repeated. I've taken John's formula, added a few notes, and even threw a couple of my own criteria into the mix.

The result? A almost-perfect formula for buying rental properties that provide cash flow. And the well-nigh-perfect formula is even more streamlined with companies like Roofstockwho help people but similar John buy rental backdrop (yup, properties that are already rented out so yous don't have to find tenants) for investment purposes.

Information technology sounds too good to exist truthful, only it really isn't. Trust me.

Before I continue, I just want to emphasize that this strategy is the effect of HOURS of reading, multiple conversations with other investors, property managers, and real estate agents alike, and an in-depth assay of our own investments —this strategy is a bi-product of our ain personal experience and could vary depending on yours.

Hither we go…

The commencement step to ensuring that you don't stop upwardly with a real manor nightmare is:


A Proven Formula For Buying Rental Properties - Education

Before getting into specific techniques, I'd similar to re-emphasize that just like whatever other investment out there, if you don't know what you're doing, yous will get burned and lose A LOT of money. I always recommend doing your homework and investing Start in your instruction.

Here are a couple of things I practise to get educated:

Talk to other investors

Make certain you are getting solid communication from people who take accomplished what you are trying to exercise, non from broke family unit members! You will be surprised by how many well-significant people are eager to give you free communication on something they know NOTHING about.

Read, read, read

I am a HUGE fan of reading. It's appropriate to read a variety of authors who have unlike approaches. Your job volition exist to read enough material to begin seeing patterns and to class your own opinions and strategies.

Consider buying courses

There is a TON of quality content out there; however, but similar whatsoever other industry, there'southward too plenty of snake oil salesmen peddling become-rich-quick schemes, and then be careful. Usually, a thorough Google search volition aid sort out the bad apples.

Know your market

I recommend ownership in an expanse that y'all are familiar with, at least for your first few properties every bit you get your feet wet. If you are not familiar with an surface area, try spending a few weekends in your target market place over a period of months. Drive around in two to iii nix codes you lot are interested in and talk to neighbors, local store owners, belongings managers, etc. then you tin can get a feel for the area and the potential clientele you'll be dealing with.

What type of neighborhood should you exist looking in?

Well, each person'south strategy is different, only hither is how I analyze backdrop and scout out neighborhoods:

I evaluate them every bit i of three categories…

A Class

These are in "pride of buying" neighborhoods occupied predominantly by homeowners. The houses are typically well maintained with light-green lawns, tree-lined streets, etc.

These tend to make great homes to print your friends, but don't usually pencil out as great investments. I stay clear of these areas.

B Class

This typically has the largest range of products between the three classes. These houses usually serve the greatest number of people within the community and have the largest corporeality of inventory.

I usually try to target a neighborhood where there is a large portion of blue-collar workers and where there is a 35%/65% ratio of renter to homeowner. You can normally tell if y'all're in one of these neighborhoods by the number of utility vehicles parked in driveways – cable repair vans, constructions trucks, etc.

C Grade

These are in "run-down" neighborhoods occupied predominantly by renters.

These rental properties typically have a loftier renter turnover charge per unit. People tend to RUN in these areas at night, Non jog. There'south high crime, gang and drug activity, substantial cop presence, etc.

I am not saying these are poor investments; typically the greenbacks menses on these deals can be loftier. But the successful investors taking these on are probably running a tight operation and have a specialized belongings management team in place. For someone looking to acquire one or two investment properties as a way to supplement income, I would recommend against this. I haven't purchased ane and I don't remember John is eager to buy another one either.

The foolproof formula for buying income-producing rentals

A Proven Formula For Buying Rental Properties - The foolproof formula for buying income-producing rentals

Buy below market x%-20%

Think of this non only as a mode to grow your net worth, only also equally a fashion to ensure your fiscal security. If yous ever take to sell due to an emergency, that 10%-20% is going to allow you lot to lower your offer price to movement it quicker. On a positive note, if you don't have to sell in an emergency, you've just made an instant return on your investment.

Property must generate at least a xv% ROI, greenbacks on cash

That ways the rent minus the debt (if mortgaged) and expenses must equal xv% or more. For example, a $20K down payment would have to yield at Least a yearly cash flow of $3,000. This is actually fairly low – most of my and John's deals take been well above the 20% threshold.

Buy in a B-class neighborhood, 35%/65% ratio of renter to homeowner

The rent should be at Least 1% of the purchase cost

For example, a $100K home should rent for at LEAST $1,000 per month.

Do your due diligence regarding repairs earlier ownership

If the repairs plus your down payment exceeds 15% ROI, move on to the next belongings.

Maintain six months of greenbacks reserves per property to pay the debt service

This should suffice for any unforeseen repairs or vacancies.

What do you need to start?

I've already covered the necessity of educating yourself about real manor investing. That includes taking courses, getting to know other real estate investors, and reading books on the subject. Fifty-fifty more important, is market place knowledge. The market is what you are truly investing in, and you'll demand to know it well before y'all take the plunge. Brand certain y'all can comfortably check the boxes on all the steps earlier making an offer on your get-go property.

In one case you tin can, you'll demand the post-obit to go live with rental property investing.

Greenbacks to shut

If knowledge is critical to success in investing in rental properties, having sufficient cash is a shut second.

Here's a reality you need to be enlightened of from the kickoff : you lot volition not be able to buy investment existent estate with 5% downwards, 3% down, or with the 100% financing offered by the Veterans Administration. Those no- and low-down-payment financing deals are only bachelor to owner-occupants. (The exception volition exist if yous purchase a two-to-four family habitation, live in ane of the units, and rent out the others).

For most investment properties, you should wait to make a downwardly payment equal to at least twenty% of the purchase toll. This is a typical requirement of traditional mortgage lenders.

That ways if you're purchasing a domicile for $250,000, you must be prepared to make a down payment of at least $fifty,000.

Closing costs, escrows, repairs, and greenbacks reserves

There will also be closing costs and escrows for real estate taxes and homeowner's insurance. Look that those will add another 4% to 5% of the purchase price to your down payment. The recommended option is to become the seller to pay the closing costs for you, which they may do in substitution for a slightly college sale price.

I've also already mentioned having cash reserves equal to six months of house payments on the holding, and this is besides typically a requirement of traditional mortgage lenders. But you may likewise need to factor in additional cash to encompass any expected repairs, which volition virtually certainly be the case if you lot're purchasing the property for less than its true market place value.

Get a domicile inspection from a qualified home inspector

The mention of repair costs is the perfect time to discuss the absolute necessity of a dwelling inspection. Fifty-fifty if y'all know a good bit nearly investing in real estate, knowledge of the integrity of the physical structure of the property is its own specialization. It's all-time to become a fix of trained optics into the property to see what'due south lurking in places most buyers don't expect.

For example, y'all may await at a wall and see what looks to be a pocket-size crack. But a home inspector might see that as a tipoff of bigger issues, like water damage or termites. The same affair can happen with a sagging ceiling. Certified domicile inspectors are trained to come across problems that aren't obvious. Y'all should have any property you want to buy thoroughly inspected from pinnacle to lesser.

Pay careful attending to the inspector's written report – information technology can both reveal subconscious problems and give you bargaining fries to renegotiate the price to a level that will accommodate the needed repairs.

Or, since you're buying the house for rental purposes, you can use the report to have the current owner remedy the problem earlier endmost. That will make the house easier to rent one time you shut.

Line upwardly your financing in advance

Unless yous're in a position to pay the full price of a rental belongings in cash, you'll need to obtain financing to make the purchase. Since you'll demand to purchase a rental belongings for less than its bodily market value, you'll need to exist a fully qualified buyer, set to close in the shortest time frame possible. That means having both your down payment and your financing ready to whorl.

Obviously, you tin't get a mortgage before you select a belongings. But you can go a pre-blessing. That involves filling out an application for mortgage financing and securing approval based on your credit and income. Once you accept your pre-approving, you lot'll be able to make an offer and close rapidly.

Your pre-blessing should exist confirmed by a written letter from the lender. It volition not only indicate that yous're fully approved, just also the amount the lender will provide. A pre-approval letter is one of the strongest negotiating tools in any existent estate transaction. Information technology reassures an broken-hearted seller that you're fully qualified to close on the deal.

It's possible to get a quick pre-approving and closing through online mortgage providers. One prominent example is Reali Loans . They offer an all-online application process, accuse no origination fees – saving you between 0.5% and ane% on closing costs – and can close your loan within 30 days.

Applying for a mortgage on an investment property is piece of cake. All you need to do is visit the site, fill out an awarding, go your pre-blessing letter of the alphabet, and then begin shopping for your showtime rental property.

How do you discover and deal with renters?

A Proven Formula For Buying Rental Properties - How do you find and deal with renters?

Once you purchase your first rental property, the first order of business concern volition be to find suitable tenants. You'll demand to get comfy with this procedure because it volition exist ongoing. Tenants come and go, so you'll need to have a system in place to quickly procure new ones if you plan to be a long-term rental holding investor.

Advertising your flat or dwelling house

The most traditional style to observe renters is by advertizing your apartment or home for rent. You lot can do this on sites similar Craigslist, Facebook, or If you're willing to pay a commission, unremarkably equal to one calendar month'due south rent, y'all can also have the rental listed past a real estate agent who will place the belongings on their multiple list service.

How long you'll need to expect for a tenant will depend on how strong the rental market is in your area. If the market is tight, meaning rentals are in short supply, y'all'll likely exist swamped with calls and exist able to rent the property in a matter of days. But if the local market is in oversupply, it tin have weeks, or even longer. Merely hopefully, you're purchasing a property in a strong rental market as a main objective.

Performing background checks on prospective tenants

Once yous're contacted by prospective tenants, you'll need to screen them for suitability. At a minimum, you'll need to gather the post-obit information:

  • A credit report on each tenant –  A joint credit study if it's a married couple, otherwise individual credit reports should be pulled for each tenant.
  • References – A satisfactory rental reference from the prospective tenant's previous landlord is important. You can also request copies of canceled rent checks for at least 12 months, proving the rent was paid each month and on time. (Previous landlord references aren't ever reliable because the landlord may give a good reference only to go rid of a bad tenant!)
  • Verify income – Request copies of both a contempo pay stub and the almost contempo yr'due south W-2 to prove income.

If the data higher up reveals a borderline tenant, you may want to request evidence of savings in the course of bank statement copies. (Think of savings every bit the tenant equivalent of cash reserves – if they have them).

Get renters who can provide the security eolith

If the tenant is satisfactory, you'll demand to get an adequate security deposit.

  • Depending on the customs in your market, that may exist represented by a flat fee security deposit, or an corporeality equal to a sure number of month's rent.
  • Yous'll need to obtain the security deposit, forth with the first month's rent, before the tenant moves in.
  • The money should be held in an interest-bearing trust account specifically for the tenant and used to pay for either damage to the holding not repaired past the tenant, or unpaid rent. Otherwise, the eolith will need to be returned to the tenant, with interest, within 30 days of vacating the holding.

The security deposit also serves as a qualifier. A tenant who has the power to pay both the security deposit and the first calendar month's hire is likely qualified. But if a prospective tenant doesn't have the money upfront, it'southward a tip that they may be experiencing a cash menses problem that you won't want to deal with going frontwards.

Another alternative is to purchase rental properties through an online real manor marketplace like Roofstock . Non only can you purchase certified rental properties through the platform, but, equally I mentioned higher up, y'all can too purchase homes that already have tenants in them. That ways you'll be purchasing a property that already has an existing cash menstruum. It will at to the lowest degree give you lot a break on tenant screening upon purchasing the rental dwelling, though the process volition exist ongoing each time a tenant vacates the property.

Dealing with tenants

Properly screening prospective tenants will be your first line of defense in dealing with them. A tenant with a decent credit rating, a expert previous rental history, and a stable and sufficient income volition eliminate most potential issues.

Only fifty-fifty if the tenant is solid financially, that doesn't prevent the possibility they may cause other problems. For example, you'll exist relying on your tenants to take reasonable care of the property. That ways both repairing any pocket-size harm they cause, also as alerting y'all to any major weather condition that may need repair. As well, tenants accept been known to disappear in the middle of the night, oft with no known forwarding information.

The process should starting time with obtaining a pro forma re-create of a charter understanding that's legally compliant in your state. Information technology will spell out the terms of occupancy, including who will occupy the dwelling and for how long, what the rent and security will exist, how many vehicles may be parked on the property, and any limitations, such as what tin can and can't be stored on the property, or how long a guest can stay in the home. Yous can add in any and as many stipulations equally yous similar.

Know the laws in your state

Be sure to familiarize yourself with landlord-tenant laws in your state. Those not but provide certain protections for tenants, but too for landlords.

For example, you'll need to know what the laws are regarding eviction, equally well as your responsibility to maintain the property in a legally compliant way. In most states, you'll exist required to maintain the holding in a safe and livable condition. If not, the tenant may take grounds to intermission the lease.

If you lot practice go into an eviction situation, exist prepared to lose money. Depending on the laws in your land, it may take longer to adios a tenant than you expect. Though the lease should specify the terms of eviction, it's possible the tenant will legally be able to occupy the property for an extended period of time if in that location are young children involved or if at that place is a recognized disability.

This is another reason why it's important for rental real estate investors to have adequate cash reserves. In certain situations, you may need to embrace the costs of your property for several months during the eviction process. Not to mention that evicted tenants often leave rental backdrop in damaged condition.

What kind of insurance do you lot demand?

Since a rental belongings is for investment and non personal occupancy, standard homeowner'southward insurance policies will be inadequate.

As a landlord, there are certain risks you'll face in having tenants living in your belongings. For instance, if a tenant – or one of their guests – is injured on your belongings, you lot may exist held liable.

  1. Regular Insurance For a Rental Property – yous can generally purchase a rental holding policy through the same insurance companies that offer standard homeowner'due south insurance plans. Only you'll need to alert the insurance visitor that it's a rental property and expect to pay a higher premium for the coverage.
  2. Actress Liability Insurance – you lot may demand more than the standard amount of liability insurance provided by a typical homeowner'due south insurance policy. And though it'due south not required, getting an umbrella policy is an outstanding idea. An umbrella policy is a general liability policy that will provide coverage over and above the liability offered by your homeowner'south insurance policy. Fortunately, it'south pretty cheap coverage, but it volition be extremely valuable in a loftier dollar value lawsuit situation.
  3. Loss of Income Rider – another provision you should seriously consider adding is a loss of income rider . It won't cover periods of time when the property is vacant, but it will supersede the rental income if the holding is damaged or destroyed, and therefore non capable of producing rental income.

Who should do this kind of investing?

A Proven Formula For Buying Rental Properties - Who should do this type of investing?

Though at that place is a multitude of books and courses on buying rental properties equally an easy mode to become rich quick, the opposite is much closer to the truth.

You should be in it for the longer term

To be successful, you lot take to accept the correct outlook. That means you lot'll need to be a long-term investor, looking for profitable backdrop, simply doing then with a full agreement that the existent payoff may be years away.

A 15% return on your cash investment in a property will certainly exist a welcome income source, but it won't make you lot rich. But if you lot agree the property for several years and the combination of cost appreciation and loan acquittal increases your disinterestedness, you'll be able to sell the property for a big windfall. If you invest in multiple properties, you'll be collecting a pocket-size income while y'all hold each, then periodically reaping one of those windfalls each time you sell 1.

To be successful as a real estate investor, yous accept to be the equivalent of a buy-and-hold investor in stocks. Unless you're participating in set-and-flips – which come with their own set of substantial risks – you lot'll need to be a long-term investor.

You should have an abundance of patience

You'll need to have the temperament to deal with tenants. The best time with tenants is often at the very start when everyone seems to be in agreement. But the relationship can turn sour the first time a rent payment comes in late, and you'll need to be prepared to deal with that event.

You should have access to a large bankroll

Yous'll need to take a large bankroll. It should exist pretty clear from what I've spelled out in this guide that investing in rental real estate is a upper-case letter-intensive undertaking. You'll have tens of thousands of dollars tied upwards in a single property, and hundreds of thousands if you happen to take multiple backdrop. Not only will you need to have plenty of coin to make those investments, just yous'll too need a generous greenbacks cushion to ride out the storms that are inevitable with this kind of investing.

Yous should not be scared past diversification

Diversification is the name of the game. And just as you lot should diversify with all other types of investing, so information technology should be with rental real estate.

Fifty-fifty if rental properties are your primary investment, yous should nonetheless have some money invested in other assets. This should include, beginning and foremost, banking company investments for your cash absorber , only as well fiscal assets, like stocks, bonds, and funds. They may perform well during times when your rental existent manor isn't doing then well.


These next few years will probably go down as the best time to purchase income-producing rentals in our lifetime. In many markets, you tin acquire property far below the toll to build. Involvement rates are at historic lows. Generation Y is 3 times the size of Generation X and is expected to go on to rent for the foreseeable future—while property values have dropped significantly, costs to rent have non.

So what's John up to now?

Since the acquisition of his nightmare duplex, he'south gone on to purchase three additional B-class backdrop and is in the process of buying a quaternary this month. Each house brings in roughly $400 a calendar month in greenbacks menstruation. And even though he nonetheless has to deal with the occasional headache resulting from his duplex, he's notwithstanding on rails to generate a 2d income so that his wife can stop working during the outset 3 years of childrearing.

Equally I mentioned earlier, companies like Roofstock assistance you purchase rental properties, offer a broad selection of homes to buy, that in many cases are already being rented out. Pregnant they come with renters! Then y'all don't have to mess around with finding tenants to fill your rental holding – it's plug and play.

If yous've ever idea well-nigh investing in real estate, what's holding you lot back? If y'all're already investing, is there anything you lot might add?

Read more:

  • Earn Actress Cash As A Landlord—How To Start Saving Up For Your Showtime Rental Property
  • Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Landlord?

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