How Do You Know if You Have a Tear in Tennis Elbow

lateral epicondylitis

Just about 5 percent of tennis elbow cases are really caused by playing lawn tennis. The majority of people who come down with lawn tennis elbow, formally called lateral epicondylitis, get it equally the result of everyday activities at work or home.

Because lateral epicondylitis has get popularly associated with tennis, many non-tennis players assume it can't happen to them. Continue reading at present to learn about this condition, its causes and symptoms, and how to know if y'all are at run a risk.

What Is Lateral Epicondylitis?

What is tennis elbow? Tennis elbow is the informal proper name of lateral epicondylitis, which pain specifically over the bony prominence where the muscle and fascia of the extensor tendons adhere at the elbow.

"Lawn tennis Elbow, or Lateral epicondylitis, is simply overuse of your extensor tendons," says Dr. Khorsandi, hand surgeon at HSST.

Your elbow joins your humerus or upper arm os to your radius and ulna, the bones in your forearm. The elbow joint itself is made of muscles, ligaments, and tendons.

The main tendon in your elbow that is usually responsible for tennis elbow pain is called the Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis (ECRB). This tendon attaches to your bones at protrusion chosen the lateral epicondyle, which is where the name lateral epicondylitis comes from.

Tennis elbow occurs when the ECRB is overworked. The tendon may be torn or just strained. In either case, it weakens, becoming inflamed and painful.  Dr. Khorsandi, besides says that sometimes the fascia, or the outer layer that envelopes the muscle in this region tin can get just too tight or restrictive on the muscle contained inside it.  Thus the muscle wants to aggrandize, simply information technology is limited due to the tight tissue and fascia, resulting in pain.

What Causes It?

Lawn tennis elbow is a repetitive movement injury. It is caused by repeatedly moving your easily, arms, and elbows in the same motion over and over. This move rubs the tendon against the bony protrusions in your basic at your elbows, causing micro-tears, inflammation, and the pain that characterizes the status.

It's Not Merely Tennis

Lawn tennis elbow got its common proper noun because the injury frequently happens to tennis players. It is especially common in players who weren't taught or don't use proper technique on their backhand strokes.

The vast majority of suffers are non tennis players, however. Other hobbies that are known to crusade tendonitis elbow include:

  • Painting
  • Needlework (knitting, crochet, cross-sew together)
  • Fencing
  • Weight-lifting
  • Gardening
  • Playing musical instruments

Many elbow tendonitis sufferers larn the condition as the result of their work. Professions at high gamble include:

  • Plumbers
  • Construction workers
  • Carpenters
  • Butchers
  • Cooks
  • IT Professionals
  • Autoworkers

Anyone who engages in repetitive hand, wrist, or arm movement at work or during pleasure activities may be at chance.


Tennis elbow can happen at whatever age. It is most mutual between adults thirty to 50 years old, however.

Insidious Cases

Occasionally, adults can come down with tennis elbow without engaging in any observable repetitive motion activities. These cases are referred to every bit "insidious cases."

Impacts of Tennis Elbow on Quality of Life

The weakness that results from lawn tennis elbow tin make information technology hard for suffers to grasp or elevator objects. This can seriously complicate the activities of daily living. Individuals can struggle to:

  • Eat and beverage
  • Bathe and dress themselves
  • Open and close doors
  • Drive
  • Write or operate a keyboard
  • Pick upward or carry objects

Simply moving through one's day tin be challenging. Engaging in one'due south favorite hobbies or caring for another person can be difficult or impossible.

Tennis elbow can have too seriously bear upon sufferers' ability to work. The personal challenges to personal care and mobility limit their power to get to work in the first place. Once they are at work, they are often unable to use the tools required to do their jobs.

Farthermost, constant pain can make thinking, focusing, and completing tasks difficult. Jobs that require the utilize of the injured arm can be impossible. Ultimately, if tennis elbow is left untreated or if information technology does not respond to treatment, information technology can drive people out of the workplace entirely.

In extreme cases, information technology can pb to inability and a permanent loss of wages. Nationally, the condition accounts for significant loss of productivity in the workplace and substantial health care expenses. Information technology is a burden that both workers and employers share.

Lawn tennis Elbow Signs and Symptoms

The primary symptoms of lawn tennis elbow are pain and weakness.

Lawn tennis elbow hurting is very specific. Information technology is focused on the outside of your elbow, near the bottom of the joint. In some cases, the pain extends downwards to include your forearm and your wrist.

The pain tin can come on without warning and may be extreme. Information technology may become worse when yous endeavor to grip or squeeze something with your hand. The pain may likewise flare upwards peculiarly badly when y'all use your hand or arm in the repetitive motion that caused the injury.

The weakness associated with tennis elbow affects elbows, wrists, and hands. You may detect that you have trouble property onto glasses or mugs, manipulating doorknobs, or picking up objects similar pencils or keys.


Lateral epicondylitis may fix in all at in one case with no articulate inciting incident. Alternatively, it can start out as balmy or occasional pain but gradually get worse over a long menses of fourth dimension.

Left untreated, the pain associated with tennis elbow can become a constant, intense agony.

Information technology is possible to have tennis elbow just i arm or in both artillery at the same time. About two-thirds of sufferers get it in their dominant arms. Women are slightly more than likely to suffer from tennis elbow than men.

What You Won't See

Tennis elbow symptoms are not externally visible. Sufferers exercise not experience bruising, redness, visible swelling, rashes, or other outward signs of their injuries.


If you doubtable that you have lateral epicondylitis, you should consult with your physician. It is impossible to accurately diagnose tennis elbow yourself, equally at that place are other numerous other atmospheric condition with similar symptoms that information technology might be confused for.

At that place is no straight test that your physician can use to determine if you are suffering from lawn tennis elbow. Instead, he or she will utilise a combination of assessments to verify that you lot are suffering from the condition.

Outset, your dr. will review your symptoms and your personal medical history. They will enquire your work and home activities, looking for actions or situations that might cause a repetitive strain injury. Information technology is of import to tell your doctor almost all of your activities and injuries during this phase so that they tin can brand an accurate diagnosis.

Your doctor may then palpate or carefully move your arm. They volition ask you about your pain levels as it moves, and wait for patterns and correlations.

In some cases, your doctor may use medical imaging techniques to farther explore your condition and rule out other possible causes. For case, they may accept X-rays to look for arthritis or an EMG to check for nerve damage. They may use an MRI to make sure the pain is non related to a herniated disk which tin cause similar symptoms.

Together, these approaches volition let your doctor to make up one's mind if y'all have tennis elbow and, if so, how astringent information technology is.

Offset-Line Treatments

In its mildest forms, lateral epicondylitis is often treatable to simple therapies and over-the-counter medications. Your doctor may recommend remainder and hurting relievers such equally aspirin or ibuprofen for the hurting.

Ergonomic modifications

"Sometimes just changing your work infinite at work or form at play tin make a huge departure in treating lawn tennis elbow," commented Houston hand surgeon Dr. Khorsandi.  He states that you can change the type of keyboard, mouse, desk-bound height, and much more.  In sports, your form could impact how much stress / hurting you have localized to the lateral epicondyle.  Many corporate offices have consultants to aid with ergonomic modifications.

Change How You Move

Your doctor may recommend that you take a pause from repetitive motility activities, if possible. This may require exploring new hobbies or seeing if yous tin become temporarily reassigned at piece of work to give your body a chance to rest and heal.

Stretching Exercises

Simple wrist and forearm stretches tin can assist. Your md may teach you some of these stretches and assign you a frequency with which to do them. They may also teach y'all unproblematic cocky-massage techniques to aid with the pain.


Your doctor may recommend using a brace to support your arm and limit the strain on your abused tendon. Pinch sleeves may also help.

Rut or Ice

Applying estrus or ice per your dr.'south instructions tin can speed up the healing procedure. You may besides be instructed to elevate your arm while heating or icing it.

Dietary Changes

In some cases, removing inflammatory foods similar sugar, grains, dairy, and red meat from your diet tin can assist speed up your healing. Your doctor may also prescribe supplements that enhance your body's power to heal itself quickly.

Other Options

Some doctors may suggest pursuing acupuncture, extracorporeal daze wave therapy, and other culling healing modalities. These options are less widely accepted only are not entirely uncommon.

More Advanced Treatments

If your tennis elbow hurting does not reply to get-go-line interventions in half-dozen months to a year, more intensive treatment may exist needed. Examples include:

  • Periodic corticosteroid injections to reduce swelling ease pain
  • Ultrasound treatment to promote blood period and healing
  • Concrete therapy

Between eighty and 95 per centum of cases reply to these treatments and do not require surgery. If your pain and weakness practice non change, however, surgery may become necessary. There are two forms of lateral epicondylitis surgery.

Both forms involve cut away damaged muscle or tendon and attaching what remains to the bone in place of the removed section. Both types of surgery are outpatient procedures that practice not involve overnight infirmary stays except in rare atmospheric condition.

Open Surgery

Open up surgery is the most ordinarily selected option for surgical treatment. Your doc will make a pocket-size cutting over your elbow to do the work needed. The process is usually considered outpatient surgery, with no need to be hospitalized overnight.  The recovery is usually fast, and pain relief is noticible very quickly.

Arthroscopic Surgery

In arthroscopic surgery, your surgeon will make a tiny incision. They will then work inside your body using specialized, miniaturized instruments.

Surgical Risks and Rehabilitation

All surgeries involve risk, and your doctor will review these risks with you in advance to ensure yous are a proficient candidate for the procedure. They will also help yous cull the right kind of surgery for you lot.

Mail service-surgery you will take sutures and a splint for approximately one week. After that, you tin can expect approximately 2 months of very lite concrete therapy to aid you recover. Between two and vi months post-surgery, you lot may work up to more intensive therapy exercises as you regain full strength.


Maybe yous are at high risk of developing tennis elbow or are already experiencing mild symptoms. If so, there are many things you can do to lower or risk or slow the progression of your condition.

Check Your Tools

Whether you play a sport or engage in repetitive motion at piece of work, investing in the right tools tin can help. If yous are an athlete or sportsman, have a professional assess your gear and techniques. Repair or supplant gear that is not appropriately sized or specced to your needs and right any techniques that you may be performing incorrectly.

In the workplace, explore opportunities for more ergonomic tools such as keyboards and mice, or look for ways to alter your working environment to reduce the strain on your hands, arms, and elbows.

If you are a hobbyist, invest in braces, compression sleeves, and other support tools.

Build Strength

Piece of work with your physician or therapist to identify and regularly practice exercises that can strengthen your hands, wrists, and artillery. Ask them to prove you lot new ways of moving that enable you to spread the strain beyond your shoulders and biceps to reduce the strain on your elbow and lower arms.


If possible, rotate between hobbies and stations at work. This diverseness will reduce the strain on your elbow and give it breaks to remainder and heal after a period of strain.

Getting Help

If yous suspect that yous may have lateral epicondylitis, don't wait. Contact the lawn tennis elbow experts for cess and start getting the treatment you need today.


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